Research and Publications
We believe that proper implementation of the Constitution would benefit greatly from well researched work that includes detailed explanation of the various concepts and provisions and a comparison with other jurisdictions as to how they are implemented. However, that research must also look at the local context within which these provisions apply.
Why Research ?
A great deal of our own internal work requires research. It feeds into our preparation for our litigation and we pride ourselves on its quality. Research is also essential to our publications, including books, manuals on key Constitutional issues, occasional papers, journal articles, newspaper articles, advisory opinions to government and non-governmental institutions, development of model legislation and critique of proposed and existing legislation and designing of training programmes for the judiciary, developing civic education materials.
We note that there still is a significant need to carry out more constitutional research. At present, there are very few institutions, including institutions of higher learning, that are engaging in the thorough constitutional research that is necessary to help explain the meaning, context and implications of various constitutional provisions.
Therefore KI sees as part of its mandate to include undertaking research on topical and complex constitutional issues which is needed to assist in policy development, seminal litigation and guiding precedent setting judgments and informing civil society work on constitutional matters.
Ethnicity, Nationhood and Pluralism: Kenyan Perspectives
A commitment to pluralism requires systematic effort across all sectors of society. Building an ethic of respect – for diversity, for difference, for the achievement and outcomes of compromise – […]
February 15, 2020
Guide: Public Interest Litigation in Kenya
Public Interest Litigation(PIL) has been a particularly critical tool for testing, clarifying and shaping law, policy and practice in societies across the globe. PIL will make an important contribution […]
February 15, 2020
Animating Devolution in Kenya “The role of the Judiciary
A commentary and Analysis on Kenya’s Emerging Devolution Jurisprudence Under the New Constitution (ed. Conrad Bosire and Wanjiru Gikonyo)2015.
February 15, 2020
101 About the Police
The “101 Things You Wanted To Know About The Police But Were Too Afraid To Ask” booklet is a collaborative effort engineered towards education of the Public on the workings […]
February 15, 2020
Independent Candidates and the Constitution (Occasional Paper No.1). (Ghai, J.C. 2012)
The paper reviews arguments against the whole idea of independent candidates and the responses to those arguments, including some observations on how these arguments would play out in the situation […]
February 15, 2020