A just and equitable society founded on constitutionalism.

To champion constitutionalism through research, public interest litigation and promoting public participation.

Constitution as an instrument of change.
KI’s philosophy is hinged on the full implementation of the Constitution and the establishment of a culture of constitutionalism in Kenya’s society. KI believes that proper implementation of the Constitution […]
About Us
Katiba Institute (KI) was set up to promote knowledge and understanding of Kenya’s Constitution and constitutionalism, and to defend and facilitate implementation of the Constitution.
Established in 2011, KI works on many areas of the Constitution including issues of leadership and integrity, human rights, devolution, gender, electoral issues, as well as environment, land misappropriation, evictions of indigenous people and other long-term settlers, and protection against illegality and harassment by the police. Its main methods of working are litigation, research and publication, civic education and awareness, mixed with some activism. KI also works to foster the spirit of constitutionalism in the East African region by promoting exchange of academic discourse on constitutional issues and by working with like-minded organizations to secure greater freedoms in the East African Region.
Katiba Institute comprises a diverse team that is passionate about using the Constitution as an instrument of change and is committed to protecting and defending the rule of law.
The team operates under three departments: Litigation; Research, Publication, Programmes & Communication; and Finance & Administration.
KI’s Board of Directors is highly experienced in various fields & committed to the mission and vision of the organization. The Board is involved in all decisions relating to the KI’s major strategic policies and monitors the implementation of these policies.
KI seeks people’s direct involvement in looking for the realization of the various objects of the Constitution. This is achieved through, among others, public interest litigation, drafting petitions and opinions, including critiques on proposed legislation and governmental policies. Our activities include public interest litigation, research into and publication on various issues/themes in the Constitution, trainings on constitutional issues including for the judiciary, other public sector bodies, the media, civil society organizations and the public. KI comments on policies and proposed legislation, uses the right to access to information to promote citizen engagement in governance and promotes participation of Kenyans in public affairs.