Vacancy Announcement – Closed
Katiba Institute (KI) was established in 2011 with the mission of supporting the implementation of Kenya’s 2010 Constitution, helping to resist effort to undermine that Constitution, and generally to assist in developing a culture of constitutionalism in Kenya. It undertakes constitutional research, comments on policy and laws from a constitutional perspective, publishes books and other material on the Constitution. A great deal of its work is going to court, to enforce rights under the Constitution and ensure the proper performance of constitutional duties and responsibilities. KI also works to foster the spirit of constitutionalism in the East African region by promoting exchange of academic discourse on constitutional issues and by working with like-minded organizations to secure greater freedoms in the East African Region. KI is a company limited by guarantee. It is headed by an Executive Director (ED), and has a distinguished Board. KI carries out its operations under several departments, each with a department head; these heads, together with the ED, form the senior management team.
The departments are Public Interest Litigation Unit; Research and Publication with civic education and capacity building, Finance and Administration and Institutional Strengthening. Staff in the various departments do not work in silos but operate in a consultative and cooperative manner. KI also provides internship opportunities for students to develop their skills through working on various projects, under the supervision of staff members.
Katiba Institute is hiring the Executive Director and Finance Manager. Download the full Job Descriptions below to apply.