The 101 Booklet Launch

Nairobi CBD

The primary purpose of 101 things you wanted to know about the Police But Were Too afraid to Ask is to improve relations between the Police and the Public. The Launch will bring together diverse groups drawn from the Government, the Police, Civil Society and the Private Sector.

KI Workshop on Article 47

Katiba Institute Workshop on Article 47 on March 21st –  22nd at the Kenya School of Government.  Article 47 provides for fair administrative action. This affects both the Public and the Private sector. This meeting will focus on how Article 47 can be fully realised in Kenya and set and agenda toward its proper and […]

Elections Summit 2022: Media and Access to Information

Katiba Institute and the Media Council of Kenya are set to host a conference on media and access to Information. The one-day summit will create a platform for discussions on the important role of media in the electoral cycle, and how journalists, individual citizens, and government entities can leverage on the access to information law […]

Validation meeting of the human rights defenders project

Katiba Institute(KI) is in the final phase of implementing a three-year project titled ‘Strengthening the work of Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) and enhancing their Protection’ supported by the Royal Norwegian Embassy. The project sought to enhance the promotion and protection of human rights and HRDs by the public and public officers, facilitate awareness creation of […]

Meeting on promoting democratic governance through term limits

Katiba Institute is implementing a project titled “Promoting democratic governance through control of power” with support from the National Democratic Institute(NDI) under the Constitutional Term Limits Initiative. The project aims to enhance knowledge and understanding on control of power through limitation of presidential terms and increase appreciation by civil society organisations, the media, academia, and […]


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