Call for a proposal for developing a monitoring and evaluation system for Katiba Institute

Call for expression of interest/proposal to consult in developing a comprehensive framework and an online-based System for monitoring and evaluation for Katiba Institute

Katiba Institute (KI) is a non-profit non-governmental body established in 2011 as a company limited by guarantee in Kenya. The principal objective of KI is to achieve social transformation through the Constitution, by promoting its implementation. This entails a variety of strategies sand processes that include: education, outreach, mobilisation, lobbying, scrutiny of laws and policies, and partnership with relevant state institutions to promote change. KI’s long-term objective is to establish a culture of constitutionalism, a secure foundation for the constitutions and its values, including a participatory and accountable democracy. KI sees the Constitution as an instrument of change and has a vision of social transformation through constitutionalism. KI’s mission is to entrench constitutionalism through research, litigation and promoting public participation among other means. In order to achieve the above, KI has designed its institutional programmes into five areas:

  • Public Interest Litigation,
  • Technical Support,
  • Research and Publications,
  • Partnerships and Community Outreach, and
  • Devolution.

Objectives of the assignment

The overall objective of the assignment is to seek the services of an individual consultant (s) to assist to develop a comprehensive framework for monitoring KI activities, and to develop an online-based system to facilitate efficient reporting, monitoring and evaluation. The specific objectives of the Consultancy include:

  • to review the current monitoring and evaluation arrangements at Katiba Institute and the gaps that need to be addressed;
  • establish clear approaches methods, processes, instruments and activities in relation to data collection, analysis, reporting and use of data to ensure effective M&E with regard to KI’s project activities;
  • have clearly defined and agreed roles and structures to carry out M&E;
  • assess the overall effectiveness of KI’s project activities being implemented in terms of its inputs, processes, output, outcomes and impacts at two levels of government; and
  • Establish reporting mechanisms implementation of their project activities.
  • Recommend the appropriate institutional arrangements (finance, HR, and structures) to effectively support M&E.
  • Train KI project staff on use of and reporting on the system

Expected Output

  • Development of an inception report for the framework and system for M&E (describing in more detail the outputs from the process and review of the existing monitoring framework, the timeline for completion of assignment among others)
  • Meeting to discuss and finalise Inception Report
  • First draft of M&E Framework and system design
  • Final/Status Report of M&E system and design
  • Training staff on the operationalisation of the M&E Framework Qualifications/competency

The expert will assume the overall responsibility for the expected output of the assignment.

Key qualifications include:

  • Proven expertise and cross-county experience in M&E, in particular with nonprofit/ non-governmental and civil society organisations
  • Sound knowledge of statistics and different survey methods.
  • Advanced University degree in Social Sciences, Public Administration, Law, or any other relevant subjects.
  • Familiarity with ICT tools that can be used for regular data collection.
  • Good facilitation, presentation and analytical skills as well as ability to elaborate high quality documents.
  • Ability to work with minimal supervision.
  • Must be result-oriented team player with excellent interpersonal skills, including enthusiasm, tact, diplomacy and high level of integrity.
  • Experience in working with and networking with civil society partners

The expressions of interest/proposal to be sent to by 10th October 2017 and to be accompanied by the CV of the consultant(s) including at least 3 referees and a sample of most recently completed (relevant) work.

NB: The consultancy can be carried out by one person or as a group, based on the proficiency and skills required.


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